Studio Login Error trying to Login

No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot login into Roblox Studio.

I’ve used every login method imaginable and I still cannot login.

Here’s the error I keep receiving trying to login to Roblox Studio.


Expected behavior

I’m hoping to be able to login into my Roblox Studio.


I’ve noticed that, sometimes, Studio take a lot longer than normal to log-in for me (likely just random internet problems), and then throws this error message. How long does it take for this error to appear after Studio first tells you it’s “Logging in”?


I noticed that this issue is usually caused by corruption of some filed, try reinstalling studio and seeing if your internet is working correctly.

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Check your logged in devices. If it says something like “Unknown Device” instead of something like “Roblox Studio” then its a chance its roblox’s api/client.

Had ran into this issue on wine before and fixed it by hopping to windows. Other than that you have to keep trying/waiting.

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I have the same issue

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hey guys - thank you for reporting - we will look at this as top priority - could send the Studio logs?

You can DM the logs directly to me



I’ve been having this same error and it’s been almost a week. I tried reinstalling Studio but that didn’t work. I desperately need a solution for I am approaching deadlines for my project with no way to work on it.


I’m having this issue now. It was working just fine all day and then suddenly I’m unable to open studio without this error.


as soon as i restarted studio for some plugin update I also am having the same issue + i also have a dead line :sob:, and very little time oppurtoonitys to work on it because of my schedule

edit: accidently responded to you



We’ve made a few tweaks on our end, please try again and see if the issue is resolved!

If your IP address changes significantly during the login transaction, it’s possible that the login will fail for security reasons. If this is preventing you from using Studio reliably, we recommend reaching out to your ISP for support.



This seems to have worked for me!

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