Roblox studio does not export texture materials. All I get is the obj. and mtl. files. I would expect to get a png. texture file?
Unions aren’t being exported properly either. Union roof in the picture down below does not show up in blender or maya.
Roblox’s part materials never exported as far as I’m aware, it only exports the BrickColors. It did export terrain materials at one point, but that was a special exception.
As for the unions, this might have something to do with the new CSG solver. Try separating them back into regular parts, go into Studio’s settings, and under the Physics tab, check DisableCSGv2. If it starts working again, then this is likely a bug with the new solver.
Heya, quick correction. Studio used to have the ability to export part materials, but somewhere during late 2017 an update caused it to no longer function. Despite numerous threads pointing out this issue it hasn’t been fixed yet.
I work with an outdated Studio (version-54a34f6a5393472d) where this is still functional, but i’m really hoping they’ll bring it back at some point. The great thing about the feature is that exported objects have all their material textures and colors applied to them when imported in Blender, which is an absolute lifesaver when a map has hundreds of materials and i have a tight schedule.
Hmm, I guess I never noticed it then. I didn’t think you could do tiled textures with OBJ files. I swear that I’ve never seen materials exported though, perhaps Blender doesn’t support it?
I have reason to believe that the textures aren’t connected to the .obj directly, but rather the .mtl that comes with it. I’ve costructed a series of images that show the difference between the old Studio and the latest Studio
In the latest version of Studio the material textures no longer export and the image node is not in the node tree, Both .objs have the same size but the .mtl exported by the old Studio has a larger size. Removing the .mtl removes all colors and image nodes from the node trees.
EDIT: There is a .mtl with the old studio exports, i removed it and forgot to put it back when i screenshotted the folder.
Hey, thanks for getting this to my attention. This seems odd, and I’ll have to investigate to understand what’s causing this in the first place. Did I understand it right, that the Union issue is seemingly unrelated to the problem you have with materials? Also, could you provide us with a model file reproducing the problem?