Studio now trims leading / trailing whitespace on text fields

While I can understand the intent of the change, I frequently add some leading or trailing spaces to do fine adjustment of text in GUIs (Which I now have to do from the command line), and I suspect that the change will also subtly cause other buggy / undesirable behavior elsewhere too.

It would be nice if this “helpful” change was modified to only affect the Name field of objects (where a leading or trailing space is almost certainly an error). For all other fields, the “helpful” trimming behavior is much more likely to cause surprise and undesirable problems for developers than anything else.


Also TextBox/TextButton.SpaceText or something similar as a boolean property could be potentially useful.

What do you mean by that? I don’t quite understand.

Should note that this applies only to fields in the Properties panel. Other forms of editing are unaffected.

I think a plugin would help & also allow NewLine support (can’t press Enter in properties panel or it just completes it lol). Shouldn’t trim by default though.

Repro: Select the text field of the Confirm button in StarterGui, and the spaces will get removed.
Please fix this.

StopDeletingMySpaces.rbxl (12.5 KB)