Studio, Parts/Model select issue

For some days now we are having issues to select parts in our Team create game.
We are not able to select every part on the workspace even tho my selection tool is enabled/selected and the parts are not locked, howevery it’s possible to select the parts by drag-select.

Already found some similar post but nothing helped me.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.


I’ve found a fix that works for me every time I reopen studio, it works every time for me. For some reason, when I click animation editor and then unclick it, it fixes itself. No idea why, but it does.


Known issue which we have a 100% repro for, fix is in progress.

If you need a workaround for now setting the parts to CanQuery = false should fix the problem (though that may obviously have gameplay implications in which case you’d have to juggle the value on and off to publish / test).


Tested it, but don’t fix it for me


The most parts don’t have the CanQuery option


We’ve flipped a flag. Can you confirm if this is fixed?


Now i can edit my Studio but every not anchored part is falling through the map. (Basepart is anchored and got collision, the player don’t fall trough the map)

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Can confirm still not fixed; we have gameplay parts that need the CanQuery part in order to work (destructable glass), but despite being collidable, shots go through them as if CanQuery was false (which it isn’t). (unfortunately this is in an indev place so it’s pretty hard to show reproduction)

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