Studio performance degrades when moving cursor with a high polling rate

When moving a cursor using a mouse with high polling rate (500hz+) in a two player local server, studio performance degrade significantly, dropping my framerate from 120fps+ to as low as 10fps. It is impossible to play test. As soon as the cursor stops moving, the lag stops. I used microprofiler and found that over 11ms was used by Q0greWidgetWindow::MouseMove_(5).

UPDATE: I noticed that the more Studio windows are open, the more severe the FPS drop is when moving the cursor. It appears that both window count and polling rate have an effect on the severity.

Note that:

  • All beta features were disabled
  • All plugins were disabled
  • All possible widgets were closed
  • Testing was done on a brand new “Baseplate” template
  • I tried restarting my PC
  • I updated all of my drivers
  • My system is up to date
  • All non essential apps were closed during the test


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What mouse are you using? I’m unable to reproduce this myself - I see more mouse events but not to the same extent as you.

Could you share a microprofiler dump as well?

I tried reproducing the issue again, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to occur anymore. It might’ve been a system issue. Thank for your quick response though!

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