Studio, Plugin UI, UIDragDetector improperly inactivating

When creating a ‘DockWidgetPluginGui’, and putting inside of it a ‘Frame’, and within it a ‘UIDragDetector’, to make a simple slider ;

Upon opening the place or saving the plugin script as a local plugin (= reloading the plugin), the slider is inactive, despite its Enabled tag being set to true.

This issue persists when selecting a tool (Which is normal for the UIDragSelector to be inactive for regular engine UI, but not for plugin UI i’d assume), and only resumes normal behaviour after deselecting a tool.

This bug occurs in Roblox Studio for Windows 11, version 0.656.0.6560679 (64bit), and occursregardless of whether or not the UIDragSelectors beta option is enabled or not.

Here’s a simple plugin script to simplify showcasing the issue.
WindowMinReprBug.lua (1.1 KB)

As well as a video showcasing the issue.

Expected behavior

Normally, the UIDragSelector would remain active regardless of selected tools, and on place opening.