Studio, Plugin UI, UIDragDetector improperly inactivating

When creating a ‘DockWidgetPluginGui’, and putting inside of it a ‘Frame’, and within it a ‘UIDragDetector’, to make a simple slider ;

Upon opening the place or saving the plugin script as a local plugin (= reloading the plugin), the slider is inactive, despite its Enabled tag being set to true.

This issue persists when selecting a tool (Which is normal for the UIDragSelector to be inactive for regular engine UI, but not for plugin UI i’d assume), and only resumes normal behaviour after deselecting a tool.

This bug occurs in Roblox Studio for Windows 11, version 0.656.0.6560679 (64bit), and occursregardless of whether or not the UIDragSelectors beta option is enabled or not.

Here’s a simple plugin script to simplify showcasing the issue.
WindowMinReprBug.lua (1.1 KB)

As well as a video showcasing the issue.

Expected behavior

Normally, the UIDragSelector would remain active regardless of selected tools, and on place opening.

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!