Studio Scale/Move Tool Inaccurate at Large Distances


When scaling/moving a part in Roblox Studio from a far distance, the handle will drift from the mouse. Sometimes the handle moves too far, sometimes it moves too little.

I’ve noticed this bug for a while now, and I can’t find any other instance of this bug being reported.

-Make a new place
-Make a long part (for example, 800x1x8)
-Position your camera at one end of the part
-Use the scale plugin and drag the furthest handle towards you
-Notice the gap between the cursor and the handle

This also occurs with the move plugin, though it tends to be less noticeable. This bug is annoying if you are working with large models.

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We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

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Update: A fix is in the works for both the scale and the move handles. Stay tuned; we’ll report back when the fix goes live.


This fix for this bug is now in the latest release of Studio!

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My selections (seems to be models not singular parts) are now jumping away from my cursor. Can’t see my cursor but when it jumps when I select thats just me moving my mouse in the smallest amount of distance ever. Didn’t experience this before today.
I have dragger QoL enabled.


Models with a set PrimaryPart property seem to cause the Move Tool to cause jumps relative to the PrimaryPart’s position inside the model


I have reverted the fix and changed the status of this bug to in progress, because of the problems reported by @sctrx and @Alika0946; as well as an issue reported separately using tab to summon.
It’s probably the same root cause for all 3 (a non-default pivot).

I will fix those other problems too before re-enabling the fix.

Thanks for reporting the problems.


An updated fix is coming soon. It fixes the original problem without introducing the Move handle jumps that occur when summoning or using non-default pivots.


This should now be fixed!
Please write back if you see any new problems.

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