Studio selecting a child frame instead of the parent

Many times I want to drag a frame with mouse but Studio is selecting some of its children instead.

That’s the parent and the child. The child has the same size as the parent because of its size.scale = 1. However, the parent (FrameEsquerda) covers the entire area of the child (FrameLista), so I’m not clicking on any area that doesn’t be the parent’s area.

How to fix this?

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Whichever UI is on top is the one selected, consider using the properties panel instead. It may seem taxing at first, but many professional UI designers never really use the dragging feature because it’s inaccurate and less precise than the properties panel. Once you really get into UI you would use both offset and scale, you can’t do that with the dragging feature.


I use the properties panel, but for quick adjustments, drag and drop works well, mainly because it has a snap function.
Since I use relative sizes (scale, instead of offset), the mouse interface is very useful for recalculating the scale of objects.
Anyway, my question is if this is a bug in Studio and if there is any alternative to solve it.

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This is normal if the parent is completely invisible, like the BackgroundTransparency is 1, and if it’s a TextLabel or something, then TextTransparency also has to be 1. Basically, it only selects GuiObjects that you can visually see.

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It can be “normal” in Roblox, but it’s not user friendly.
A parent frame normally is a container for children objects and for that it must be transparent.
But as you said, if it’s transparent, it’s not recognized when clicking on it; Even so, the parent’s borders are recognized for redimensioning, so I can use the mouse for redimension the parent, but I can’t use it for moving because it’s transparent…
It’s not logical…

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Sorry, but it’s not true. The parent background transparency was already 0.5 but even so, I changed it to 0, and even so, the problem persists, ie, it’s still selecting the child.

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If the child is shown over the parent, then it is still normal for the child to be selected.

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How could the child be shown over the parent if both are the same size, the parent is a container and the child is inside the parent? See the images in the original post please.

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Here is the project only with the frames as mentioned: gui.rbxl (20.7 KB)

Just open the “FrameEsquerda” and try to move it with the mouse. Then tell me what’s wrong…

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it’s the zindex. I have the exact same issue, and I try to change the zindex of every object and it worked