Studio Sends Unneeded/Bad Asset Permission Requests For Every Audio Instance When Publishing a Asset

When publishing a asset (in my case a MainModule as the top instance), my Studio is sending a Http Request to (that all fail) for every audio instance within my model even sends duplicate ones for a audio ID that already had a request sent for it. This in turn causes my asset configuration window to slow down and not load assets from myself or the groups I’m in fast, sometimes even erroring via rate limiting in the final publish stage due to all the requests made for the audio assets.


Expected behavior

I expect Studio to stop sending Http requests to website for all the audio instances in my assets when publishing, and my asset configuration window load just as fast as it would without all the audio instances.

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From the screenshots, it appears the requests are to which while the requests still fail, the endpoints housed on that subdomain aren’t necessarily all deprecated unlike



Hey @Sctrx
Sorry for the late reply, but is this still an issue? I tried publishing your model and I had no issues with speed. Also opened asset config from the published asset in Toolbox and couldn’t tell any increased latency/slowness

Using a new place and inserting the model in the original post, it gets stuck after selecting the upload type is a model, and after 10-20 seconds, it loads the “update existing asset” button or turns the ‘Save’ button blue/clickable. Odd enough though, on another model in a already published place I tried for a ModuleScript with lots of descendent sounds, it instead gets ‘stuck’ when going to load the group’s assets OR when pressing the publish button after selecting a model in the list before going to the progress of uploading screen.

Overall though same set of erroring HTTP requests as mentioned in the OP.

very interesting. I did the following

  1. new place
  2. saved place (non-team create)
  3. dragged in model
  4. right click root → save to Roblox
  5. didn’t edit anything except set to model
  6. hit publish

I was able to publish in <1 second I’d say. Is that similar to what you’re saying?

Odd enough though, on another model in an already published place I tried for a ModuleScript with lots of descendent sounds, it instead gets ‘stuck’ when going to load the group’s assets 

What do you mean by syck loading the group assets? Where is it loading them?

This is using the originally mentioned method/reported use case.

This is what I mentioned on the latter part of yours/my reply (mouse is hidden but 00:35 is when I click the Save button):

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Sorry I got sidelined with some other tasks, but I discovered the rootcause and will work with the team on the plan forward

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