Studio Shadows Issue

Hey there! So recently over the past week or so I have been experiencing an issue in Roblox studio where whenever my camera was moving I would experience glitchy round shadows showing up on certain parts of my baseplate.

I have checked studio settings and camera settings and find nothing to be abnormal, I have searched the internet and the devforum countless times to see if I can find any topic or article relating to my issue with no results. It usually doesn’t show up till 5 or 6 minutes after I load up a place but when it does arrive it never goes away.

So, is there any way to fix this, and is anyone else experiencing an issue like this? I have an example below of what I experience on my screen.


change your lighting technology to something different to what it is and then change it back, it seems to be a bug with future lighting


That was it! Thanks for your help!


This happens with all lighting’s technology. Shadows pop up around places that shouldn’t be. For example, if you have a huge sea you might see shadows on top of the water even if is day light and the sun is pointing straight to the sea. I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with Roblox’s shadows…
I had voxel and shadows were everywhere. Here is the same issue but with shadow lighting:

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