Studio stuck in full screen

My Studio just decided to stop going out of full screen, these are some of the solutions I’ve tried:

I’ve tried f11

I’ve tried alt tab

I’ve tried going on a different device

I’ve tried resetting the settings

I’ve tried uninstalling my Studio

I’ve tried turning off my computer

I’ve tried, “just click the minimize button”

This is what my Roblox Studio looks like to those that are wondering

As you can see there’s no X at the top right

I know this is not a Script issue but there’s no other categories I thought would help me

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There may be something wrong with your computer. Try searching online about fixing your operating system.

Ive tried going on studio on two different computers so I dunno

Maybe kill the program in the Task Manager? (Cntrl+Shift+Esc)

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Press F11 or ESC to exit full screen.


Load into a baseplate, click the view tab up the top, then select fullscreen.


The problem was not with killing the program because when I open it back up it just goes back into full screen and it’s annoying incase so was see reference pictures