Studio suddenly frozen for our game (updateInvalidatedFastClusters 1760ms per frame)

Ever since yesterday we cannot edit our game anymore. It is an asset-intensive game with a lot of rigs using bones and mesh deformation, however studio was running fine until yesterday when we suddenly no longer could do anything as it’s nearly frozen, running at less than a frame per second.

This is the game BEWARE: Zombies - Roblox

This is what the profiler shows:

My assumption is that it’s something rig related since it’s slowing down on buildSkeleton, however this is happening every frame in Studio, which means we can’t do anything.
This even occurs to previous versions of the place from several days ago where we absolutely were able to use Studio, which means it’s shouldn’t be a change we’ve done in-game.

Also, using Test Server + Player works and runs fine, so it’s just in Studio editor itself.

Expected behavior

Studio may be slow on launch because of all the assets but once they’ve loaded in studio should run seamless.

A private message is associated with this bug report

@MasterOfTheElements could you be so kind and try again when you get a chance? I just made a change to see if it makes a difference.
Thank you!

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We’re back to normal! Thank you.

Ok great! Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the noise.