Studio tools are not correctly resizing

Reproduction Steps

  • Open a baseplate
  • Insert a cylinder or any other part
  • Resize it

System info:
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

Repro file:
repro file.rbxl (25.4 KB)

Expected Behavior
I expect it to stay in the same position as you resize on one axe, not constantly change position as I’m resizing it. I also expect it to only resize the side I’m selecting.

I also expect to resize my part down from 0.1 to 0.05 when my increment is on 0.05, but this doesnt happen.

Actual Behavior
Resizing a cylinder:

Trying to resize below 0.1:

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-07-27 13:07:00 (+02:00)


Able to repro both of these issues. It almost seems like the scaling cylinder behavior might be intentional to keep the bounding box the same size as the visible cylinder, since in the past that behavior was intentional (although I don’t prefer it because I often resize the bounding box as a means of centering the cylinder on something else.)


Oh God, this was a bug? I was thinking that this is some update :unamused:

Both bugs reproduced successfully on my game. Setup:
i7 10700, 8 cores and 16 threads, base speed of 2.9GHz and turbo speed at 4.9GHz.
rtx 2060 super 8 gb
16gb ram
1tb ssd and another 1tb hdd, both having 800gb+ space free

This is heavily impacting my modelers.

Though now that another bug regarding the tools has came up it’s worth mentioning that when you switch between the tools either from the menu or the shortcuts there is a very annoying 1 second freeze that occurs in studio (everything, including water freezes :cold_face:) Happens on a base plate with no scripts at all, fiddled with g sync to no avail.

For the meanwhile u can type a script in the command bar that can center one object to another, it’s pretty simple. (I know am nobody to tell this to someone like you :sweat_smile:)

local selection = game.Selection:Get()
selection[1].CFrame = selection[2].CFrame

This is a quick script that I use to align parts, although I won’t recommend it for plugins as it doesn’t check whether the selections are parts (I made it and I’ll always be using it on parts, so I didn’t find it worth doing the check anyway) and it doesn’t add itself to the undo history, which is just terrible if you mess up…


i literally cant make things now, roblox please revert this horridly pointless update it literally restricts what i can do

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Sorry for the inconvenience, the change in behavior was unintentional, being able to resize under 0.1 in size is clearly very important functionality that we’re not going to take away.

The relevant flag has been reverted, if you restart studio it should be fixed.


Though, the cylinder resizing on both axis was intentional.

Could you help us understand why this is undesirable? The fact that historically it did not scale properly and just letterboxed itself within the bounding box was not intentional behavior (just nobody had done the legwork to make the Scale tool handle this case properly before) and we were trying to fix that.

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It’s mostly because people aren’t used to this update, I personally think the update is good, but most builders have been used the old cylinder scaling for years, and this change happening could throw some developers off. I have also found a small issue in the scaling of cylinders while there are on a flat surface:

The cylinder grows into the ground as you can see, is that feature intentional, or a bug, because if you have collisions on, you won’t be able to scale the part when it’s on a flat surface:

That’s bug-tentional. It’s not ideal behavior, but there’s not a great way around it, and it’s also not a loss of functionality: To scale the Cylinder before in this case, you would had to have scaled it twice, once on each axis, now you just need to scale it up on the Y axis.


Have you considered using the Align tool to align objects in this way instead?

I found another bug while scaling the Y axis:

It doesn’t happen often though, since I’ve only had this bug twice out of a lot of uses, but when it does happen, there is an easy fix to it, move the part so it isn’t touching anything, then scale it to the desired size, then move it to back to the place you want it on.

Has this stopped occurring now that the flag is disabled? Also does it still occur with all plugins disabled? This kind of thing is usually a symptom of bad user plugin code which is listening to selection changes and doing something way too expensive.

Not much we can do about that. Technically it happens even for normal parts when they’re off-grid thanks to floating point error, it’s just very very infrequent.

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the old behavior is what I favor more because it had more flexibility. I could resize the selection box to match a diagram easily, however with this addition I cannot. all of my friends are complaining and me aswell, this is making it very hard to scale cylinders the way we want to


Please atleast give a toggle for this feature, a lot of groups i have connections with are also halting progress due to this “update”

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Also another bug,

I cannot fix the size of this cylinder if you change the shape property of a square to a cylinder

making corners is also a very tedious task now, i cannot even round a square


Disabling this feature should be a boolean inside the cylinder part itself, because in some situations, this new feature is very helpful, and in others, it is not.

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Thanks for addressing this issue this quickly as a start.

The cylinder is much easier to align with the way it was before. I realise this can be done with the align tool aswell, however it is much easier & quicker if I just use the scale tool which I was already selecting in the first place. It is also easier to center parts this way.

Like others posted above aswell, if you convert a block into a cylinder in Properties resizing the cylinder with the “new” system creates all sorts of weird increments.
Basically to summarize it for my workflow it was way, way better to have the sides resize seperately.

Perhaps have this as an option?

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I should’ve been clearer in my original reply, but basically I’m just used to being able to resize parts any way I want. I don’t always want to switch tools when I can just perform a couple resizes to accomplish the same thing in less time like I can with Parts and Wedges. This isn’t the end of the world for me, as I’m primarily a programmer, but I do think I’ll find this difficult to get used to. It’s the same reason I don’t like working with spheres.

I guess I’ll throw in the classic “can we have an option to disable it” request.

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Thanks for the feedback in this thread.

Needless to say we won’t be turning this behavior back on unless we have answers to the issues raised here, sorry for underestimating the impact of this change.


Nope! Never encountered this issue on my older i5 laptop for some reason. I have tried everything listed on the help page including removing all plugins and re installing studio several times. Plus all my plugins are from trusted developers.

Can you try installing F3X and selecting stuff with that and see if you run into the same issue or not? I can’t repro this at all and don’t have any idea what might be causing it for you right now so I need more info to get some ideas.