Ive had weird issues with studio recently, and its starting to hurt my workflow
First of the problems comes with a random studio update that broke a lot of things,
Studio now likes to refuse to save my tab placements. Every once in a while tabs will save correctly, most of the times most of my tabs will close entirely and i have to reopen them on every boot. Along with this, a new random tab called “Start Page” is open permanently, the text is all messed up and you cant close it when your inside of a game.
And finally, most plugins I have enabled auto boot when I play-test, making me have to delay most events so I can close 20 plugins that open randomly and actually play the game.
These issues have been rampant among most developers, and some have been re-occurring issues that have yet to be resolved despite many complaints. I’m coming at my whits end with studio and the fact that this editor is the backbone for every game on this platform makes me wonder why barely any progress is dedicated to fixing bugs on the front-end, only adding new features rather than polishing.
The Studio interface appearing whacky is a bug that people are facing and Roblox engineers have been aware of ever since someone reported in #bug-reports:
See if you can use this method of resetting the docking of the Roblox Studio by firstly doing CTRL + P (to active Quick Open) → typing the command > Reset View and restarting the program.
As for the Diagnostic not showing the FPS in real-time, this might be another bug that you should report. If you don’t have access to report bugs when using products from Roblox (Roblox Studio, Websites, etc.), be sure to join the forum group @AllowBugReports and wait until you get accepted. Alternatively, if someone made a report that represents your frustration, you can support, reply, or do both.
The part about plugins kinda made me confused, so what I have understood is that you are having trouble playtesting any of your projects in Roblox Studio due to amount of them appearing in times when you don’t wish. I believe what you can do is deactivate those that you don’t use for your current workflows when making things.
Hi thanks for the response, I want to elaborate on the third issue. Plugins such as Tool Grip Editor, Local File Manager, Rope Tool, and Brush Tool, will open randomly on playtest. Saying these plugins have been updated semi-recently they still open on playtest after I close them in the editor. Its defiantly not intended as all of these plugins don’t function in playtest. Even if I have these plugins closed before I playtest they all open up and block my viewport.