Studio widgets hurting performance with G-SYNC enabled

Reproduction Steps

RTX 3070 Ti - Driver version 516.94
LG 27GL83A-B monitor
Roblox Studio verison 0.562.0.5620360 (64bit)

When configuring G-SYNC via NVIDIA Control Panel, setting G-SYNC enabled for windowed and full screen mode causes Roblox Studio to drop frames while plugin widgets are open. With the setting set to full screen only mode I cannot reproduce the issue, and the issue does not persist with G-SYNC disabled.

In the following video I open 3 studio widgets (2 were already open), and I reposition one. Watch the bottom right FPS counter, the measured FPS drops each time a widget opens/moves. Closing the widgets fixes the issue.

Expected Behavior

Studio shouldn’t drop frames when widgets are open or are moved.

Actual Behavior

Studio drops frames with my G-SYNC configuration.


I have to turn off G-SYNC or close widgets.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


I’ve had the same issue for YEARS. Unfortunately, the only way to fix** this is to change G-Sync to Fullscreen instead of windowed.

**not actually a solution, just a workaround

Additionally, I’ve experienced that the issue not only happens with widgets, but it lowers FPS more in playtesting and especially the script editor. Undocking the script editor helps a lot with performance.

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Hi thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database and the issue is being investigated.


Hi @LMH_Hutch! Do you still face this issue?

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Hi - closing out older issues here. This one we believe has been resolved with past releases, but it’s difficult to be 100% sure because of the number of card/monitor combos present for this type of issue. Currently with our test setup we don’t observe any difference between gsync enabled and gsync enabled w/ windowing in terms of the framerate counter used in the video. (Gsync w/ fullscreen has no effect on Studio, same as disabled). That counter will change regardless of Gsync as more plugin windows are opened (such as asset manager, toolbox, terrain etc). On my setup, I can use a hardware refresh rate counter on the monitor and can observe the rate fluctuating as studio is used, but the FPS reported will remain the same. Please let us know if you observations differ, and we’ll close this out for now.

Hello! I saw your reply to my previous report. Unfortunately I’m still experiencing this issue and I haven’t seen any sort of change over the last year. This bug is reproducible consistently every time studio or my drivers are updated. The workaround I’ve been using is setting custom program settings for roblox studio in the NVIDIA Control Panel and setting “Monitor Technology” to fixed refresh. This last week I was using studio on my pre-built GTX 1660 workstation (EDIT: at 60hz refresh) and did not run into any issues at all however I still experience this almost daily on my RTX 2070 SUPER machine. Interestingly, if I drag studio to my secondary (60hz refresh) monitor, the issue ceases entirely without any sort of restart or setting changes. Considering this issue is consistent, let me know and I can help provide any details and information you might need about the issue. I’ve included two videos below, one for each of my monitors to help demonstrate the issue if that helps any. Cheers!

Samsung LC27RG50 @ 240hz

ASUS MB16AC @ 60hz

Thanks - is the secondary monitor setup as g-sync enabled? (I’ve heard that you occasionally get finicky results from drivers with both monitors engaged on gsync, esp. with window mode but this can vary with HW & driver). Can you snapshot your nvidia control panel settings over? (Feel free to DM me).

Assuming that on the samsung you can disable gsync or go to full screen only in the nvidia control panel and the lag is eliminated immediately?

Also, can you snapshot your studio Settings->Render panel (feel free also to DM)?

No, my secondary monitor is a 60hz monitor with no G-SYNC support.
This is the setting that affects the issue however let me know if you need more extensive information and I’ll send them through DM.

Disabling G-SYNC on my samsung monitor and going into fullscreen-only both immediately eliminate the lag. Not sure if it is significant but my monitor uses “Adaptive Sync” technology which changes the refresh rate automatically between 120hz and 240hz depending on the application. I won’t get into the specifics but it might be something to look out for in other reports.

I wanted to reply to this thread and state that I am having a similar issue as @GRIMNO1RE and my ROBLOX Studio also lags extremely badly while G-SYNC windowed mode is enabled in the NVIDIA Control Panel. The difference for me is that it’ll only occur for me when inside of the scripting editor, not anywhere else. Normal camera movement and building is fine, but when I open scripts to code, my studio will get very very laggy until I close the script editor. My current workaround is to simply disable the windows G-SYNC for now and only allow it on full screen applications.

My specs are a Ryzen 7 5700X with a MSI RTX 3080 SUPRIM X on the latest drivers as of this reply (although this isn’t very relevant because regardless of driver version, this issue has been happening to me for a long while, even on older drivers.) I also have 32GB of RAM and my monitor is a MSI Optix MAG274QRF. My secondary monitor has G-SYNC disabled and is a Acer KG271U (issue happens regardless if G-SYNC is on for this monitor or not.)

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I’ve been experiencing this issue for a long time and funnily enough, it used to only affect the script editor prior to the Studio Design Refresh. Afterwards it started to effect the regular viewport as well. There are a few workarounds if you aren’t already aware of them; I personally use a method where I add an exception to my 3D settings in the Nvidia control panel for Roblox studio and set “Monitor Technology” to Fixed Refresh. For me, this is preferable to disabling windowed mode because I often use windowed-fullscreen applications with G-SYNC. The downside is since studio essentially reinstalls itself every update, you need to repeat the process every time studio or your drivers update (which can be as often as once a day :frowning_with_open_mouth:).

This issue has taken so much of my time over the last few years, hopefully we see a fix soon.

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This is why I simply just set G-SYNC to full screen applications only and disable the windowed mode, so I didn’t have to do this constantly.

It’s definitely a very frustrating bug!

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This is still happening with G-Sync and has been happening for years on different cards and monitors for me.

Setup 1:
Monitor: AOC Q24G2A/BK
GPU: RTX 4080

Setup 2:
Monitor: AOC G2460PG
GPU: GTX 1080

Previously it was just with widgets like Asset Manager or Toolbox open, but recently I can’t edit code even with both turned off and all plugin windows disabled.

Happened with both one monitor and two monitors plugged in.
Disabling G-Sync fixes the issue, but is not a viable fix/workaround.

I’ve actually made a post about this as well which unsurprisingly have gone ignored.

I have set my Gsync to Fullscreen only and still affects studio. I have even reinstalled and uninstalled all pluggins and still happens.

Is this still happening? If so could you include a microprofiler report or 2 showing both plugin guis open and plugin guis closed?