Studio won't work correctly and lags intensely

Hi everyone,

I’m at a loss, frankly. My computer has this “eco” mode that I can enable and disable. One of the main side effects is that it makes studio intensely lag, even on a baseplate, because it throttles the computer’s performance somehow.

I disabled performance mode and everything is as usual… except for Studio, that won’t go back to its “normal” mode. Another peculiar thing is that in the diagnostics bar (at the bottom, enabled in settings), Studio thinks it is using less than 1MB of RAM for rendering (of course, it is not).

Does anyone know how I could “hard reset” Studio or maybe has had a similar issue before? I’ve tried resetting my Roblox folder in LocalAppData and that was to no avail.

I’m on Windows 11, using the default rendering engine for Studio, AMD Ryzen 7 processor with a Nvidia 2060 RTX GPU.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can spare some time!

Does your computer have integrated graphics? If so, ensure that Roblox Studio is always running on your GPU.

Sadly it’s not the integrated graphics, that would have been an easy solution!