StudioFragmentAutocomplete4 case where autocomplete suggestion doesn't show up


Case where the fragment autocomplete breaks.

Re-production Steps

There are multiple ways this breaks. If there’s one, it’s already a reason to avoid looking for more until one is fixed, because these things have to be connected somehow.

for k,v: Player in pairs() do
	v. -- position carriage here
  1. Create a script with the code above in Studio and follow the inlined comment’s instructions.
  2. Write v. in the closure, and you’re supposed to get autocomplete suggestions.
  3. See Private Message


Expected Result

The system knows the variables type is Player

I expect the system to show me autocomplete results when I put a . after it.

Actual Result

No autocomplete suggestions show up. Rare cases where some code shows “do, if, etc.” suggestions instead of the properties and methods that belong to the type.

There used to be a case where switching lines would make the autocomplete work again, but that was worsened now.

Same goes for the “Run a Command” window now

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Could it be because v is only one character long?

Good question, I tried that. It has something to do with it being inside of this closure.

for k,v in pairs() do
-- inside this closure