Studio's fetched lists of games do not respect archived games

Currently, it appears that Studio will fetch a single list of games based on your sort options. Then it will a card for the under either “My Games” or “Archived” depending on whether or not the game is archived. However, this can result in funky behavior of not all your games displaying under “My Games” if you have many games archived.

As seen in the video, not all of my games display (especially noticeable when I change sort options). When I switch to the archive tab and scroll to load more archived games, you can see that more games have also been displayed under “My Games”.

Expected Behavior
Studio should fetch separate lists of archived and nonarchived games. This will result in being able to load all your games under “My Games” and “Archived” without the current funky behavior.

Repro Steps

  1. Create a significant amount (30-40) of games to the point where you can scroll and load more
  2. Archive almost all of the games except a few in the beginning and at the end of the list

Could you give us more details? I am unable to see the issue with the video.

Steps to repro, and more detailed behavior would help.

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I updated with repro steps and a more detailed explanation. Essentially, this is only reproducible when you create many games to the point where you can scroll in Studio to load more games. When you archive a majority of the games, but leave a few in the beginning and at the very end of the list, you will notice that the games at the very end of the list do not load unless you switch to archive and scroll down all the way to load more archived games.

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I believe I’m experiencing the same or at least a similar issue. Sometimes switching between Archived and My Games is enough to get the My Games list to show more.

This makes it a bit frustrating when wanting to open up games lower down the list.


Still a problem like 3 years later.

Really annoying, I can’t archive the last reusable places I have because of this, please look into this.

Edit: Roblox Studio’s overall game listing is weird, everywhere, when publishing, on the main menu, when switching from what to order from, etc, and extremely inconsistent, and this needs to be looked into, and the case is that the more games you have the bigger the problem, and the harder to find things are.

Also models sometimes when publishing a model can sometimes not show a specific model you have published, I believe it uses the same code for it so it’s nice to mention.

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