Studs Generator

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
  • I want to generate parts by 1 stud like in “Yeet a Friend!”
  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
  • Ye but nothing helped.

Here’s the code i tried.

local studs = script.Studs
local start = workspace.StudsPart.Start

local originalStud = 1

local function generateStud()
	local cloneStuds = studs:Clone()
	originalStud = originalStud + cloneStuds.Size.X
	cloneStuds.Parent = workspace.StudsPart
	cloneStuds.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = originalStud
	cloneStuds.CFrame -=,0,originalStud)
	cloneStuds.Size = cloneStuds.Size +,0,0)

while wait(0.1) do

I want it so it generates parts by 1 studs, sizes them by 1 stud and positions them also by 1 stud like in “Yeet a Friend”.

local studs = script.Studs

Is there a child under the script named “Studs” if not shouldn’t it be

local studs = script.Parent

(I am assuming this script is parented to a part)
The information you provided is fairly vague and I don’t see how your explorer is set up (as in where the script is and what the child “Studs” is.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, hope this helped.

The script is inside ServerScriptService and it has ‘Start’ inside “StudsPart” and ‘studs’ inside the script.

Hello, I think your code needs changes.

local studTemplate = script.Studs
local start = workspace.StudsPart.Start

local currentXPos = start.Position.X + studTemplate.Size.X

local function generateStud(studNum)
    local cloneStuds = studTemplate:Clone()
    cloneStuds.Parent = workspace.StudsPart
    cloneStuds.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(studNum)
    cloneStuds.CFrame =, start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z)
    cloneStuds.Size =, cloneStuds.Size.Y, cloneStuds.Size.Z)

    currentXPos = currentXPos + cloneStuds.Size.X

local studNum = 1
while wait(0.1) do
    studNum = studNum + 1

I believe this should work well, this code takes the starting point from start.Position , and then for each new stud, it increments currentXPos by the size of the stud in the X dimension (cloneStuds.Size.X ), effectively placing each new stud one stud away from the previous one. The studNum keeps track of the current stud number.

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That actually works, thanks.



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