Hi there, I felt like I’d showcase some of the stuff i’ve made from 2017 to 2019, it’s not all of the stuff i’ve got (some are still in dev/planned/too old to be showcased) so i’ll show the best here.
Dragonslayer and Iron arm from Berserk.
M16 Stahlhelm (german helmet from WW1, the only mesh of this showcase)
German WW2 tanker headset and throat mic (Hat made by JangofettAlex, uniform made by Tre_Kroner, used for showcase purposes.)
Cossack Shashka model 1934
From top to bottom:
Puukko (finnish knife, inspired of different models)
NR-40 soviet combat knife.
Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife.
from left to right:
Gewehr 98 with it’s bayonet,
Mosin M39
Unnamed fictional rifle late variant
Unnamed fictional rifle early variant
Lee enfield n*4 mk1 (revamp in progress, this one was a tad rushed: fun fact, it was used in Frontline: West 44!)
Mosin 91/30 with it’s spike bayonet.
Mosin M27
Mosin M28
Mosin M28/30
Gevär M/96
MG42 (this one was a pain to make, bipod by JangofettAlex)
Carcano M1891 with it’s bayonet
C96 (my newest model)
some closeups:

Note that all of those guns are made entirely in roblox studio,
due to the absolute time it takes for those, i’m not building requests though
hope you like 'em