When I get the time, how would I be able to get access to a copy of the module to start working on the global chat?
oh and i have a question, what would be a realistic price for this?
since im not sure how to keep the price in balance at this moment.
thought about 100 - 1000 depending on model as i said
as i said just contact me and tell me what you need and ill provide you with the most things i can provide you with.
No price for now… it’s great experience, plus I don’t know when I will be able to get started on this (don’t want to rip you off).
actually idrc because i added a key function basically an obfuscated script that will need to be in the chat system in order for it to work properly an the key is actually on a github page so if i change the key every other chat model i made will turn out not to work, this system is kinda complicated but works GREAT.
Thats a great idea to prevent theft! I will direct message you later for a copy of the module and work on it when I get free time! In terms of the pay, it will be free due to an uncertainty of when I will have it completed. If you do want to pay me, please keep the price low and only pay me after the project is completed.
Wow, big boy text! This may come in handy for people that find it hard to read smaller text.
i made a simple command system aswell!
how this works is basically if a message is equal to a command it will NOT chat it out in the chat OR chat it out in the bubble chat.
before it’s running the code it will check if the player is an staff member and if the player is the code will be executed and else it’s just gonna make the message display on chat (i didnt make the part where it just chats in the chat again when the player isnt an admin and uses an command but i will add that now)