Hey there, I wanted to show you some things I created this week that I plan to use in most of my games. I would really appreciate your thoughts and feedback on them.
Starting with a custom-made chat system:
I had some trouble with the bubble chat, but then I found a simple solution by looking it up. I would have given credit to the person who posted it, but I couldn’t find the post anymore.
local ChatEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Chat'):WaitForChild('PlayerChatted')
ChatEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, message)
local filtered = ('<b>[%s]:</b> %s'):format(
player.Name, game.Chat:FilterStringForBroadcast(message, player)
game.Chat:Chat(player.Character.Head, ('%s'):format(message), Enum.ChatColor.White)
I’m not sure if my approach was entirely correct, but I thought it would suffice for now. I decided to do this because I don’t really like the new design of the Roblox chat. I just followed my instincts, I guess.
And here is the player list:
It may not seem like I made a significant change, but it does offer players quicker access to information. When you hover over the frame, the @name at the bottom fades out as it moves up, and the user tag fades in from the bottom as it moves up. The user tag is just # followed by the first 4 numbers of the player’s user ID, as I wanted to keep it simple, similar to how it’s done on Discord.
For the viewing of the profile i did this:
Basically, the title will say “Viewing” followed by the player’s name in all caps. It will also indicate whether it’s an alt account by checking the account age - if the account is 10 days old or younger, it will be identified as an alt account. Additionally, it includes the user ID, name, and display name. I would have liked to add buttons, but I don’t know how to create a “send friend request” button. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know! And of course, an “unfriend” button would also be nice to have.
Thanks for anyone who gives feedback!!