Stylized-Cartoony Alley Level Design

Hey guys! I have been wanting to practice my level design for along time now, so I did this week! This build took me a few hours to do. I do want to clarify that I did not make these assets, they were provided by @Sylently in her city asset pack. This scene will not be used for selling in any way, shape, or form. This is purely for my level design practice. Thanks @Valkaro for teaching me a bit also

I started off with a regular Greybox for my level design. Just to paint a little picture for my scene and general composition, which I ended up changing later on. Here’s how it ended up looking like before I decided to start filling in detail.

After this, I fixed some proportions and so far and added buildings + some assets. Note: This isn’t complete, I am looking for feedback so I can improve this Here’s the current look!


Wow this is so good that I can’t believe my eyes. Not even my developer builds as good as this.


The amount of detail is GREAT! Look very good, nice jog!

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My building skills are the one at the top XD

This looks AMAZING, I wanna see more of this!

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love this so much, great work :slight_smile:


Thanks alot! I’m currently building an entire city with a different studio, obviously using my own and our team’s assets.

Pretty good.

I like the lighting and general vibe of this little build!

I bet the full city will look stunning!


The style is really clear and fitting, the lighting is great and the detail is really nice. Is there anything not to like about this scene? Really nice work. :+1:

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Thanks a lot? I appreciate the feedback :grinning:

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¡Amazing Creations!!. Those models are amazing.

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Nice work man! Would love to see more of this


I-I have a city asset pack…? I think you might’ve mentioned the wrong person…

That aside, your level design practice scene looks great! Good job!


I thought you did :joy::joy: Thanks anyway!

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May I ask how much things in this image are originally yours? You did say most of the assets are from @Sylently but what I’m wondering is how much YOU made in this image.

Sorry to bump this topic after so long, but I think what you meant to say was the Synty City Pack.

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This is such good building! Cant really say anything to improve on!

Isn’t this an asset pack??? I seen someone use these exact assets on youtube.