Subadam1's Scripting PortFoilio (FOR HIRE)

About Me

Hello Im Subadam1 A Scripter that has been scripting in Luau since 2022(2 years)
I am very good at being on time and i am very active most of the times.

What I Can Do :man_factory_worker:

Combat M1 And Movements
DataStores :computer:
Tower Defense Games :tokyo_tower:
Simulators :honeybee:
Tycoons :cityscape:
HitBoxes :gift:
Battle Grounds :ninja:
Bug Fixes :wrench:
Gun Systems :gun:
Combat System Abilitys Movesets ETC, :fist:
Module Scripts :recycle:
Optimize Server Load :arrow_down_small:
Create Tweens(Moving Or Animated Things)

Videos :tv:

Combat M1 System I made
M1 System with uppercut + downslam
Advanced Combat System
Tower Defense NPCMovement
Movement Tower Defense System

Payments :dollar:

here is my payment methods I Advise you to use

Regular Tasks 20 :heavy_dollar_sign: Per Task Via PayPal :moneybag:
Regular Tasks 5000 :robux_gold: Robux (DevEx Prices)
Regular Tasks 5% of game revenue if game is doing well
Advanced Tasks or Major Tasks are not fixed prices i will examine and choose how much

Where Am I :question:

Discord : subadam1