Subliminal Cues in Video Games

ㅤCan you imagine that the video game you play may be teaching you more than you realize? Are you aware that the game developers might be embedding educational messages within the gameplay? Subtle, subconscious stimuli in video games can shape our understanding and beliefs about various subjects, all without our noticing. Let’s explore this intriguing aspect of game design: the use of subliminal messaging.
ㅤOur daily lives are filled with information that our brain processes unconsciously—these are known as subliminal messages or stimuli. These pieces of information, too subtle for our conscious mind to register, get absorbed, stored, and categorized in our subconscious. Now you might wonder, “What does this have to do with building a game?” This phenomenon is crucial to the core functions of your game, the environment it creates, and the message the story attempts to convey—even if the game is merely intended for fun.
ㅤAs we navigate through the virtual world of video games; we encounter an array of stimuli. From the thrill of a successful mission to overlooked background details, our brains rapidly analyze and register these experiences. It’s here that the power of subliminal messages emerges. As the game’s creator, you control the pace and quantity of information fed to the player, determining what’s deemed ordinary or extraordinary. To illustrate, imagine a player walking through a desolate forest in the game for a considerable amount of time. Suddenly, a cabin appears, breaking the monotony and sparking a spectrum of emotions, surpassing the subliminal stimulus threshold, and eliciting a response.
ㅤWhen the player enters the cabin; they see that the walls are filled with paintings. The player is not told what the paintings could hold or what they mean, but no matter, they will likely investigate. As they observe these paintings, it could include details or aspects key to the game or topics that you would like to teach. For example, a painting that shows a scene of deforestation can serve as a commentary on environmental conservation. On its surface, it merely seems to be a part of the game’s backdrop, yet to the observant player, it presents a stark, poignant message about the importance of preserving our natural world.
ㅤSo, how can game developers utilize this concept? The aim is to subtly embed vital information within the game’s environment in such a way that players see it but don’t consciously register its significance. Consider the cabin in the forest scenario: What if, within the cabin, there was a small locket on a table rather than the conspicuous paintings? The opened locket reveals a picture of a lush green landscape. At first glance, it appears insignificant. But to an observant player, it could convey a meaningful narrative or an important lesson, such as a hidden game feature or easter egg. This is a subliminal message, unconsciously educating the player about a topic via an unassuming in-game object.
ㅤStrategically placed subliminal cues can greatly enrich the player’s experience. While not explicitly acknowledged, these cues get registered and processed subconsciously, gradually influencing the player’s understanding or perception of a topic. But remember to use them sparingly! Overusing or excessive use of such cues may normalize them, thus losing their subtle impact. They should be introduced gradually to maintain the game’s natural flow.
ㅤAs game developers embark on the journey of using subliminal messaging to influence players’ unconscious decisions, they must consider potential consequences. Factors such as the game’s theme—be it political, satirical, or just for fun—should guide when and how to incorporate these messages. In games with potentially controversial or biased content, it’s crucial to inform players about the presence of subliminal messages or opt not to include them at all. In contentious scenarios, informed consent is key. Never use these methods to push information that could stir prejudice or create tension.
ㅤAlways remember that these techniques for imparting knowledge are forms of manipulation. Many players resort to gaming as an escape, and the presence of hidden messages, whether positive or negative, can influence opinions. This influence may have unintended harmful effects on vulnerable groups. Thus, ensure that you thoroughly consider the need, goal, and premise of the message before integrating it into your game.
ㅤThis exploration offers new insight into the intricacies of game development and the potential of subliminal messaging. By maintaining a delicate balance and respecting the threshold of subliminal stimuli, game creators can enhance the immersive and educational aspects of gaming. Despite the moral considerations, one could argue that this approach simply mirrors the way we naturally process information. It reveals yet another layer of the complex, fascinating relationship between stimulus and response—a relationship made even more exciting in the realm of video games.

This Topic is meant to start a discussion around the usage of subliminal messages in Roblox experiences as a means to enhance, teach, and provide players with knowledge that could be used in the real world or inside the game.
I would love to discuss more on this topic, and would hate to bore you with a 10-page essay;
please respond if you have any footnotes or comments or would like to push this along further!

How do you see subliminal messages changing your game? Do you find it immoral to include these messages in your game without player’s consent? Do you think that this argument in favor for subliminal messages is weak? Let’s discuss!

The sources for this topic were gathered from California State University, Los Angeles which include arguments for, and against the prospect of subliminal messages in games. Links could not be embedded since they refer off-platform, violating the rules of the forums. You can find the information in person by going to the CalState University library, or digitally online through respective vendors.


  1. Chen, Zhiming, et al. “Research on Subliminal Visual Messages Based on EEG Signal and Convolutional Neural Network.” MATEC Web of Conferences , vol. 336, EDP Sciences, 2021.
  2. Gomez Maureira, Marcello A., et al. “The Influence of Subliminal Visual Primes on Player Affect in a Horror Computer Game.” 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and
    Intelligent Interaction (ACII)
    , IEEE, 2015.