Submachine gun tips

Hey there, recently got a commission for a submachine gun, Image:


My question is how should I go about starting it off, cylinder or cube? Front or end? Any tips will be appreciated, thank you.

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I’m not anything of a real modeler myself, but I would start with the barrel and work your way back.

Start with a cylinder, this model doesn’t have alot of cube shapes

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First, I would do the cylinder to make sure you’ve got the right width. Then just do what’s easiest and go along as you get familiar with the gun. Also make sure you use a side view for accurate sizing like this:

Watch some videos of how the gun reloads so you can make sure you have all the correct meshes separated.


yeah that’s good, I did exactly that.

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Looks good, could use a bit better textures do!

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This is what they wanted, no textures.

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