Submission Fail, failing to close studio+save - roblox studio

I am saving then publishing my studio game. Then press I press the ‘X’ to exit it simply asks me if I want to save changes. I press yes then says wait to save and studio will automatically close. But studio doesn’t automatically close. I am basically having issues with saving my game and uploading models. Very strange

Also I have been trying to upload models to roblox but am getting a HTTP 500 error of submission fail.

I have waited a few hours to see if the issue has been resolved, nothing. I have opened different studios and already have lost all of my work.

Please help me, this is getting annoying and I canno’t use roblox studio until I can save my creations or there will be no point!


Yeah, I believe Roblox is down in some places. I can’t upload Images or Meshes, It’s been like this for over an hour now.

Yes. Look’s like I was a bit early to say this then a few hours later the site having major issues with the trading system breaking and it being down with many bugs all day.

Yeah I am having the same issue. but it is not for assets but for places…

Seems like it is down.