Subscribers Goal

Sorry, I’m now kinda confused, I only changed this: local youtubeId = “id”. I got the code from a friend, and that id can be found in the description of the channel, now I just got a message and he said I shouldn’t share this “&key=AIzaSyD8Mru34qlgyVISGybnidJkqjwr-fzxlsQ”. But my friend said I could share the whole code.

The key is what allows bots to access the associated Youtube account. So if it’s not your key, you won’t be able to access anything relating to your account with it. If it is your key, anyone you give the key to will be able to access that account.


This isn’t mine: “&key=AIzaSyD8Mru34qlgyVISGybnidJkqjwr-fzxlsQ”.

You really should delete/regenerate that key before someone does something with it

Press one of these two buttons under Credentials

You really should not be using it if it’s not your API key. Get your own key by making an API project:


Iggy run the code I sent in here it should work fine.

Okay, I will tell my friend to!

Okay, I did one for my own channel and it worked fine, thanks.

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Thanks for helping me test my api.

Oh, I tried just my own code. And that worked.