SubSer is meant to allow the ability to create subscriptions for players to subscribe to. It includes all of the needed functions to set up a working product that can expire after the set time. SubSer is for games that have subscriptions. It is flexible, easy to work with, simple, and get’s the job done.
- Download the model via the link at the top of this topic.
- Once downloaded, insert it into your game by going to the toolbox and selecting “Your Models”.
- Read through the GitHub repository for examples, documentation, and more details about this module.
- Use the collected information to create a script that creates a subscription, activates it, and checks if a player is subscribed or not.
type: function (Time, Scope)
This function will create a Sub (otherwise known as a subscription). The parameter Time determines when the subcription will expire. It requires an int to work. The parameter “Scope” determines the name of the Sub. It requires a string to work.
type: function module:Activate (Player, Scope)
This function will activate a subscription for a player. The parameter “Player” determines which player the subscription is being activated for. The parameter “Scope” is used to find the desired subscription.
type: function module.ResetData (Player, Scope)
This function will completely wipe the data for a player for a specific subscription. The parameter “Player” determines which player will have their data wiped. The parameter “Scope” determines which subscription the player’s data will be wiped from.
type: function module:ManualCheck (Player, Scope)
This function will check if the player’s subscription is still active. The parameter “Player” will determine what Player will be checked. The parameter “Scope” determines which subscription the script is checking for.
type: function module:AutoCheck (Toggle, Scope, Player, Callback)
This function will automatically check every few frames if the desired player’s subscription is active. The parameter “Toggle” determines if the auto check is disabled or enabled. The parameter “Scope” determines which subscription the script will check for. The parameter “Player” determines which player the script will automatically check. The parameter “Callback” is the path to a function. This function will fire once the subscription is no longer active.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my post. I hope this module proves useful to you.
GitHub Link: GitHub - Targetry/SubSer
Download Link: SubSer - Roblox
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