Subtract from value in textbox

  1. Subtracting value from what ever number is in textbox

  2. Script won’t work

persontarg.leaderstats.Money.Value = persontarg.leaderstats.Money.Value - tonumber(wait1.Text)


Is there only a value in there or is it some normal text aswell?

There is a value in leaderstats but not for the textbox

Run this and see what it prints okay

if tonumber(wait1.Text) ~= nil then
    print("Can't become number")

Doesn’t print anything… Why would it not?

That is weird because if it had printed “Number” then it would have been a number, if it would have printed “Can’t become number” then it would have been some string characters in there. But printing nothing is weird…

Here’s the server script

	persontarg.Character.FineValue.Value = false
	player.PlayerGui.FineGui.Frame.Visible = false

	if tonumber(wait1.Text) ~= nil then
		print("Can't become number")
	persontarg.leaderstats.Money.Value = persontarg.leaderstats.Money.Value - tonumber(wait1.Text)

	local MessageData = {
		["content"] = persontarg.Name.." was arrested by "..player.Name

	MessageData = HS:JSONEncode(MessageData)

And local script

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local players = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Players")

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local folder = rs:WaitForChild("remotes")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer

function Open()
	local Character = LocalPlayer.Character
	local HumanoidRootPart = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	if not (Character or HumanoidRootPart) then return end

	local TargetDistance = 8
	local Target
	for i,v in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if v ~= LocalPlayer and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
			local TargetHRP = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
			local mag = (HumanoidRootPart.Position - TargetHRP.Position).magnitude
			if mag < TargetDistance then
				TargetDistance = mag
				Target = v

				local persontarg = game.Players[Target.Name]
				local wait1 = script.Parent.Parent.time
				if wait1.Text == "" then

					print("actually fired")


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Where did you get the wait1 object from?
Edit: NVM, found it

I don’t think you need to call the player there because that will automatically come in the server sided script

That can’t be the reason why it isn’t working though

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Yeah true but it is worth testing every solution that it could be you know, because I have no idea either

I’m assuming you want to subtract value from a number using a Textbox:

local numb = tonumber(wait1)

persontarg.leaderstats.Money.Value -= numb

Didn’t work. I’ve noticed if I put this at the top, nothing below it works.

The text from the textbox isn’t being replicated to the server (which is intentional), you need to run the text value (not the instance) through a remote event first.

ReplicatedStorage.SubtractMoney.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(p, moneyToSubtract)
  local validatedMoney = tonumber(moneyToSubtract)
  if not validatedMoney then return end

  p.leaderstats.Money.Value -= validatedMoney

Where did you get money to subtract

Sometimes calling variables outside the function will store that one variable in a specific state. Now if you change that value without updating the variable, it will always return the same thing.

So basically if you have a variable that should be updated every use-case, put it inside the function instead of making it global. You should see the problem go away.

Also another good thing to note is this:

myValue = script.Parent.NumberValue.Value -- stores the current value in a variable which is most likely 0.

myValue = myValue + 1 -- this will only update the variable, and not the actual value object.

So in most cases, you want to do this:

myValue = script.Parent.NumberValue -- only get the object

myValue.Value = myValue.Value + 1 -- now this will correctly add onto the value

Hope this sort of helped. I didn’t read through this all because I’m tired and my brain hurts but I think this is related in some form.