Hi, I’ve recently finished working on my first suburban bungalow, I’m looking for some advice to make it look better before I sell it.
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Hi, I’ve recently finished working on my first suburban bungalow, I’m looking for some advice to make it look better before I sell it.
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That looks great. Well done to you. You have worked hard on this project and the bungalow looks really good. Well done to you. The detail on the interior shows the amount of time that you must have spent on this build.
This house is very well-built! But the water should be Sand or something, and always remember the small details, but a little small feedback I want to give is that the door looks to big (The back door).
It may be hard to spot, but detail
But overall, the house is amazing!
I would say it’s a job well done!
My favourite part of the build is the living room as I can see you’ve put a lot of time into the details. The only thing I can suggest is maybe making the kitchen area less spacey.