1.) Rank Handbook;
2.) Code of Conduct;
3.) Staff Applications;
4.) Designer Directory.

Rank Handbook

1.) Member Ranks;
2.) Worker Ranks;
3.) Administration Ranks.
Customer - ∞
The rank one receives when first joining the group. They support the group and purchase Suburban Outfitters’ clothing.

Icon - ∞
The rank that consists of iconic members recognised by the Suburban Outfitters staff, and they are given this rank as a sign of respect.

Partner - ∞
The rank given to allied representatives of Suburban Outfitters. To qualify for this rank, you must be the owner/co-owner of an allied group.
Salesperson - ∞
The rank given to people who completed and passed their application. This role’s main purpose is to guide people and generally be helpful individuals within the group.

Developer - ∞
The rank given to our developers, that can range from: Editors; Artists; Graphic Designers; Clothing Creators; Architects & Scripters. If you are given this rank, you have contributed assets towards Suburban Outfitters

Designer - ∞
The rank given to people who qualified as designers. These people are the backbone of our company and produce our clothing.

Tailor - 5
The rank given to people who are certified Suburban Outfitters designers. These people have been loyal to the group for a long time and are active clothing creators.
Chief Creator - 1
The rank given to the head of designs at Suburban Outfitters. This person practically runs the design department of Suburban Outfitters. They help calculate designers’ weekly revenue, manage the spreadsheet, help hire new designers, etc.

Executive - 2
These are our executives, they are the second in command. They manage the group, add discussion topics to the shout every so often, host games and oversee what others do.

Coordinator - 1
This is our coordinator, the overseer, the founder, the one and only Zarqhos. He does everything for the group, and is the reason it is still running to this date; everything goes by him."

Code of Conduct

• Treat others with magnanimity and be generally friendly.
• Incessantly harassing anyone within the group for any reason is not tolerated
• Do not spam the group wall.
• Friendly banter allowed but racism or discrimination is prohibited.
• Abide to the ROBLOX Terms of Service.
Failure to abide to these rules will result in a warning, before being prohibited from accessing the group. We want our group to have a chill atmosphere, and toxic attitudes are not welcome.

Staff Applications

1.) Designer Application;
2.) Salesperson Application.
#1. Why do you want to be a designer for Suburban Outfitters?
#2. Can you link a few of your best designs?
#3. What do you use to design?
#4. What makes your designs unique?
#5. What type of designs are your speciality?
#6. Will you be able to handle your responsibilities explained in the Designer Directory?
#1. Why should you be hired?
#2. Can you list your best qualities?
#3. What does a salesperson do?
#4. Do you have experience in this field, if so, where?
#5. What timezone are you in?
#6. How can you be trusted as a higher rank?
Send all applications to Zarqhos.

Designer Directory

1.) Payment;
2.) Expectations;
3.) Uploading.
All designers are paid 60% of each sale. Each designer’s weekly sales is recorded on our spreadsheet. Since we price our clothing at 7 robux, we receive 5 robux due to tax. 2 robux of that 5 robux is contributed towards ads, while designers earn 3 robux per sale.
Designers are paid fortnightly, meaning every two weeks. Payday is on a Sunday.
Designers are expected to create two outfits every fortnight. Recoloured/retextured outfits do not count. Failure to do so will result in a strike, three strikes will result in your payments to be frozen. In order to rank up, you have to be an active, loyal, high quality designer.
Designers must upload their clothing in the following format:
**The name should start with “SO ★” followed by a description of the outfit. **

For example: “SO ★ Denim Jeans, Green Top & Timberlands”

The description should be as followed:

★ EST. NOV 2017 ★
☆ DESIGNER: Username ☆
High Waisted Bleached Denim Jeans, Electric Lime Green Latex Halter & Wheat 6 Inch Timberland Boots"

Written, Signed & Approved by:
Zarqhos - Coordinator of Suburban Outfitters.

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