Subway ® Ally Information

Subway ® Ally Information

In order to be an official ally of Subway ® you must met the following requirements.


:arrow_right:500+ members

:arrow_right:Have a active group

:arrow_right:Not be in possession or use of any free models

:arrow_right:Be in good standing with Roblox members

:arrow_right:Professional Executives

:arrow_right:Not engaging in scamming or exploiting in any way.

If you feel your group meets the requirements please talk to a Chief Communication Officer. Once our team is provided with your group information our team will access whether or not our requirements are met.

Once a decision is made in a week or less you will be notified by a Chief Communication Officer. Included will be whether you were accepted or denied as well as reasons for the decision.

Signed by
Subway ®

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