Promotions are something everyone wants in a group. Now with our latest update the amount of subs and items you serve is tracked and displayed for all to see. Below promotiond and how to get ahead will be explained.
[Promotion Process]
For Trainee: Interview is required
For Assembler 40 points is required
For Senior Assembler 80 points is required
For Shift Lead 120 points is required
For Management Ranks a Application is required. [Application] Are only given in Application Center in Subway group games.
What happens when I reach Promotion Amount
Contact a Manager in game who will immediately promote you once the display board is checked.
If you currently have amount racked up before the release, they count and you also will be promoted no matter current rank.
What happens if you are already are in a rank but don’t have the amount required. You continue to stay at current rank. You are however expected to gain the points required for promotion of next rank
[Conduct Process]
Three Step Conduct Process includes
Documented Warning
Demotion for 3 Days with re promotion after 3 days are up
Permanent Removal of Rank and Documentation of Firing (No Rehires Allowed under any circumstances
Can be appealed to Vice President & President of Subway has to have 4 out of 4 approval to reverse decision.
Any Management+ who violates this process will be immediately fired indefinetly
Admin Abuse Link here
Admin Abuse
Use of Administrative Power. Policies
[Information below will list what you can not do with Administrative Power and what possible Punishable outcomes will be]
[Admin Command] - :mute (Only is to be used after all three warnings if given)
[Admin Command] - :Respawn (Is only to be used if the Player is Glitched into any sort of Structure and request’s to be Respawned.)
3. [Admin Command] - :Shutdown (Is only used by Administrators of the Level of MOdera+. This Command is only to be used if there is an Exploiter/Urgent Update to the Server)
4. [Admin Command] - :PM (Can be used by any Administrative User but not Abused)
5. [Admin Command] - :SM (Should not be used only Community Director, AriaToTheRescue, CryptoBloodXaos, Mr_Changg or Sirblades11 Anyone else caught using this Command will get a Warning or risks being Suspended or even Fired)
6. [Admin Command] - :H (This Command should only be used for Important Information)
7. [Admin Command] - :resetsubstation (Should be used by Moderators+ in Deli if substation stops working. Automatically clears sustation of subs and allows
Anyone who uses any other Administrative Command that is not listed above under Section [AUTHORIZED COMMANDS] Will receive a Warning, or can be Suspended or Fired
Subway ®