Subway Train Build

I made this Subway Train build,based off the ones in New York.

This is my first build, so I would like some feedback on how I could improve this.


Are you aiming for realism, or for a cartoony look?

Anyways, might as well give feedback in the meantime. From the image provided:

This needs, well, more detail. See this image:
Try adding triangle handlebars. Those are standard in many subways. :triangular_ruler:


The lighting, well, in general is a bit weird. Did you turn shadows off? You can add local lights instead of just turning all shadows off.

The seats, well, lackโ€ฆ and shape or cushion.

Just in general, the train could benefit from the increased use of detail.

Take a look at this image:


You can make the subway look more rounded in the tops. Shiny on the bottom. Actually add windows instead of just having odd lights. And note the handlebars next to the seats. Try adding those.

The color scheme is alsoโ€ฆ off. You have red, yellow, andโ€ฆ gray? Those colors do not match. Is this McDonaldโ€™s? Are we going for a weird look?


Next, try adding something on the wall. Right now itโ€™s bare. Posters, maps of the route, ads, actual windows, anything works. Just something to add texture.

See these images:

Honesty, just search up โ€œsubwayโ€ on any search engine. Anything will do.


If you are going for a cartoony look I looks fine. Maybe add even a little more detail, and some added models. If you are going for realism try going on Blender and making some models, and textures.

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Thank you for the feedback. I will look into it.


Thank you for the feedback, Iโ€™ll try to add more detail.

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No problem! I look forward to the final result. And I do hope this helps you. :train2:
Stay safe, have a great day.


Thank you, you too. (30 Charss)


It could use a little more detail if you are aiming for realism.

But, your first build is definitely better than mine.


The chairs do not have any/much detail. You should add railing or something to hold the seats up. Iโ€™ve been on the NYC subway and this doesnโ€™t really resemble it. You should add handles, advertisements/emergency exits. There is no door in the back, this seems a little too spacious for the NYC subway haha and at the top and left corner, itโ€™s usually curved at an angle. Looks good though, just need some detail because it looks a little bit bland.

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Oh and I forgot, try to add windows. They add much more to it.

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Thank you for the feedback! Iโ€™ll add some more detail.

Thank you for the feedback! 30 Chars

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Its okay? Subways arent that wide thoughโ€ฆ

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To improve this build you could add more details to the walls. This could be pictures of adds, decorations or even lighting.

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Alright, thank you for the feedback.

I like it, I live in New York so I have a lot of experience. The problem is that the seats are marble. In real-life they are glossy. I recommend using a texture pack, that will improve your builds much better. Also the poles just look like gray cylinders. Overall I think you did a pretty nice job!

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Erm, I think you should add windows and signs that show the next station (or whatever you prefer). I think you should also place the seats in different โ€œpatternsโ€. Like this

Once you add those, the train should seem better than before. Great job starting the train!

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