"Successfully uploaded TexturePack" always printed to output if SurfaceAppearance is in the game

Reproduction Steps
Open a game that contains a SurfaceAppearance, look at the output.

Open a new baseplate and insert a SurfaceAppearance, look at the output.

SurfaceAppearance.rbxm (4,9 KB)

This output is printed every time I open my game in Studio. I shouldn’t see this because the TexturePack for the SurfaceAppearance should already be uploaded, and this seems like an internal detail that shouldn’t be printed to the output anyway.

Expected Behavior
This output should not be printed when I open a game containing a SurfaceAppearance, or when I insert a SurfaceAppearance.

Actual Behavior
Successfully uploaded TexturePack is printed to the output.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly

1 Like

Thanks for reporting the bug, sorry for the inconvenience, the fix will be enabled in the next release. If you want to get rid of the output, there’s a workaround by prefixing all the input textures with the preferred form rbxassetid:// instead of the full URL. For example, http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=7257799338 should be updated to rbxassetid://7257799338.


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