Sudden borders in terrain

Hi everyone! Ever since I started using terrain, I noticed that there are sharp borders in between terrain materials. Here are some examples of what I mean:

I was wondering if there is any way of making smoother transitions between terrain materials. This would make my game way better. Thanks for reading

Roblox has terrain transition textures that appear when you put your graphics settings to a high value, although they don’t exactly do too much to fix this. You could perhaps have bits of terrain transitioning into one another like this:

Additionally, details like vegetation and 3D grass can also distract from this issue.


To add to what @TheCrypticRunner said, Terrain is based on a voxel system. 1 terrain voxel is 4x4x4 studs. It already ‘rounds’ the transition a bit, but you can’t make perfectly smooth edges, just like you can’t make sloped terrain perfectly smooth as well.


Could you please show me how to do that?

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use paint tool,randomize it. the farther u get the less the green appears

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I tried that but for some reason, it doesn’t work right with the yellow grass.

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workspace, terrain, properties, click to expand, make different color

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I have to admit that looks way better when I change the terrain back to green but I really need yellow grass for the savanna and green grass for other biomes. There are only two grass-like terrain materials available and I’m already using both of them. Is there a way to fix this?

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sadly roblox hasnt implemented a biome system yet so it is just one color for every material. but ur pic looks like u just click on random place once and makes a square,so try to add more shapes