Sudden Dark Thumbnail Lighting for Catalog Accessories

I recently uploaded some new accessories for my UGC Group. These accessories are retextures of some my old accessories.

However, upon uploading, I saw that they have considerably darker lighting in thumbnail/2d view and look bright as they should in 3D view. The confusing part here is that they contain the same camera and rotation settings as my old accessories on which the current ones are based. And the old accessories had a nice and bright lighting for both thumbnail and 3D view.

This has happened to almost 9 of my new items and really impact the visual appeal and first impression in the catalog marketplace.

Attached are some screenshots showing the issue.

The first image shows the Old scarf which has bright lighting in the thumbnail whereas the second image is of the retexture having a darker lighting in the thumbnail. However, the third image shows the 3D view of the retextured scarf which has a nice lighting and this should be ideally implemented in the thumbnail as well but is not being done as of now.

Link to retextured scarf -

Link to old scarf -




Expected behavior

Looking forward to hearing a response and a possible solution for this.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I’m running into this issue as well.

The “Taro Sakamoto” faces have the exact same lighting settings as the “Shin Asakura” face, but as you can see, they appear much darker.

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Hi skywildsaturn,

Where the Sakamoto face assets uploaded after the Shin Asakura? And when were they each uploaded respectively?

this is also happening for avatar bodyshots! i made a report here! Bodyshot appears much darker then before


Yes, the Sakamoto face assets were uploaded after Shin Asakura.

Sakamoto face assets were uploaded on the 30th, and Shin Asakura was uploaded on the 29th.

We are now having this problem with all assets we attempt to upload.

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We have reverted this issue in production. New thumbnails should be generated fine and old thumbnails will be refreshed within a day or two thanks for the report.


Same is happening to me.

Darker light thumbnails mean less attractive to players so equals to less sales.

Good thing got fixed.

I want to know why when I rotate my UGC item to the sun direction. And Upload my UGC the thumbnail is darker.

But if I rotate my UGC backwards while uploading appear birighter


When I upload my UGC ilike the first screenshot, I suppose Thumbnail will appear like on Roblox Studio.

But no, The thumbnail on marketplace appear darker. Idk if uploading like the second screenshot makes thumbnail on marketplace appear on Roblox Studio like first Screenshot.

They appear darker because thumbnails don’t use the same sun position.

Then thumbnails brigthness is like backwards? If I upload My UGC front Side pointing to the sun, light gonna be darker and inverse gonna be brighter?

I also noticed the same issue 2 days ago, the thumbnails now look bad, they are poorly lit and look downright greyish and dull, the example below shows similar faces with the same parameters in Roblox Studio, loaded earlier and loaded 2 days ago (I hope the thumbnails will be properly lit soon, I wouldn’t like to load these items again).
Thumbnail lighting

Hi @LightSettingsGuy Thanks for reverting the issue! It’s definitely fixed for new items however, just wanted to check back on refreshing the old thumbnails. The old thumbnail didn’t get refreshed automatically and are still looking dark.

Those dark thumbnails of my items uploaded that day also remained dark (as if the strength of the shadows and highlights had been reduced, which makes the thumbnails look unattractive and dull.

Hey Manwire06, this should be fixed now.

Hi @BrokenToy09 Sorry to bother you again but if you check the thumbnails of all the 9 items that I have shared in the report, l see that they all are still dark. It is quite similar to the image that @Szeloba has shared. You can see the difference in the faces attachee.

Here are the IDs of the items that still have the bug:-


If it would be possible to check the thumbnails of the items with the IDs given below, I would be very grateful. I don’t want to upload these faces again because they already have some sales, but their thumbnails still haven’t changed and look grayish and dull compared to the previously loaded faces.


Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi, just want to request once again if in any way it is possible to fix the thumbnails of items mentioned here as reuploading them is not viable.

We’ll check on and renew them soon. I’m coordinating with the team that can do that. Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:

Just giving an update that we’re working on it.

Update: They should be refreshed now. Please check what you see now and let us know if it is still not fixed.


Hi, thank you so much for your and the team’s efforts! The thumbnails have been fixed now, I really appreciate it!

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