There might also be a related issue with MessagingService not receiving messages; our Opencloud integration with MessagingService appears to no longer be working?
This started happening around 2 hours ago. I noticed the GetProductInfo error, thought it’d be temporary, and disregarded it until I saw the filter functions failing too. I’ll update this list if I notice anything else.
Affected game IDs (that I know of):
I am having various issues when opening studio/opening projects in studio. But, I cannot report them effectively. I think it’s universal, hopefully someone else reports it under #bug-reports:studio-bugs.
This 504 error happens last year and it is an annoying bug. If I remember correctly, one possible band-aid to fix the issue. Is to unplug your router and restart your pc.
I came here to ask the same question, seems you can’t launch Team Test or Studio sometimes as it randomly crashes or ask you to login in/ verify over and over.
commit failed with internal error: Instance Changes - Http status error (502) HTTP 502 (Bad Gateway), response body ‘’ - Studio