Sudden HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error from multiple Roblox functions in multiple games

I’m getting a consistent 502 bad gateway from several Roblox functions that make HTTP requests.

Affected functions include:

  • Chat::FilterStringAsync
  • MarketplaceService::GetProductInfo
  • TextService::FilterStringAsync

There might also be a related issue with MessagingService not receiving messages; our Opencloud integration with MessagingService appears to no longer be working?

This started happening around 2 hours ago. I noticed the GetProductInfo error, thought it’d be temporary, and disregarded it until I saw the filter functions failing too. I’ll update this list if I notice anything else.

Affected game IDs (that I know of):


This is a major issue. Marketplace receipts are apparently not loading properly; we’ve had a noticeable spike in purchase failure reports in our game.

Hoping this can get escalated quickly.

I’m currently getting errors when opening up experiences in studio. Are you encountering any as well?

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I am having various issues when opening studio/opening projects in studio. But, I cannot report them effectively. :confused: I think it’s universal, hopefully someone else reports it under #bug-reports:studio-bugs.

This 504 error happens last year and it is an annoying bug. If I remember correctly, one possible band-aid to fix the issue. Is to unplug your router and restart your pc.

I meant the 502 gateway error message. Sorry for the typo.

I came here to ask the same question, seems you can’t launch Team Test or Studio sometimes as it randomly crashes or ask you to login in/ verify over and over. :melting_face:

commit failed with internal error: Instance Changes - Http status error (502) HTTP 502 (Bad Gateway), response body ‘’ - Studio

This happened to me when trying to open studio itself twice. After giving it a couple of minutes it opened again. Weird.

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We rolled out a fix in the last hour for a daylight saving bug that was affecting some users.

Are you still running into the 502 Bad Gateway error, or has it gone away?

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Appears to be good now, for me anyway. :+1:

Looks like we’re all good now, thanks!

safe to say it’s gone. hopefully this will not occur again.

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The 502 error pop up in my output window last night. But it doesn’t seem to affect my work.

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