Kreamz Cafe | Public Handbook
"We sugar your streets with sugar and treats!
Welcome to the official public handbook for Sugar Street! This guide explains everything to do with Sugar Street. Here you will be able to find our basic rules, LR training guide and more.
Sugar Street is a bakery based company that strives on making a fun community but at the same time, we also strive on maintaining a good level of professionalism throughout our staff and community as a whole. We offer the best taste and we love seeing and serving our customers every day.
Liam (killcolors) founded Sugar Street and has been running this group since July 2020 and it has been growing ever since.
Basic Information
Game Rules
✯ Respect & Maturity.
Respect and maturity is to be shown to everyone within any of our games, whether they are a staff member or are not. We believe that everyone should be treated in which way we want to be treated. If you are having a bad day, try not to take it out on others, everyone in our community will be thrilled to talk to you.
✯ Grammar.
Grammar for LR’s isn’t required but always advised, if you choose whether you’d like to utilise grammar or not, no warnings will be issued either way.
✯ Spamming.
Spamming is prohibited within the game(s), Spamming consists of sending similar or same characters, words or sentences at one time.
✯ Spamming.
Group Games & Links
Official Group Page
This is the link to view our group:
Sugar Street
This is the link to join our V2 Bakery:
Sugar Street V2
Training Center
This is the link to join our Training Center (Must be a Trainee+):
Sugar Street Training Center
Application Center
This is the link to join our Application Center where you can apply for Trainee:
Sugar Street Application Center
Alliance application
Thank you for being interested in forming a partnership with Sugar Street! We love interacting with groups and seeing what two groups are capable of doing together. In order to be affiliates/partners we have some requirements set below, if you meet them, you can apply via the Google Form below or you may start a Ticket in our Discord. Remember that we are looking to build healthy relationships with other groups as well as seeing us mutually benefit from an alliance.
Requirements in order to form a partnership:
- Your group must contain a minimum of 800 non-botted group members.
- Group must have active members.
- Your group must be related to the business industry (ex. Hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc.)
- Group must be professional and well-rounded.
- Your group must be willing to announce and attend any Kreamz event when need be.
- Group must attend our events, announce them, and assist us in any way possible.
- Your group must be able to provide Kreamz Cafe with two representatives that will communicate with our Communications Department.
- Group must have an active and professional communications server, this meaning, MRs or potentially HRs shouldn’t be running around acting wild. They should be setting an example.
- Provide a description of your group and its values.
- What motivated you to apply to partner with Sugar Street?
- How can your group benefit Sugar Street?
- How can Sugar Street benefit your group?
- Why should Sugar Street partner with your group?
- Who can we contact about the status of this application?
- Please provide your group link, Discord link, and any other social links related to your group.
- Do you understand that we have the right to decline this application under any circumstances?
Thank you for being interested in applying for an alliance here at Sugar Street! Please note we will give you our final decision within exactly 24-48 hours. In the case that you don’t meet any of our requirements, feel free to submit an exception request to one of the members of our Communications Department. If you’re interested in submitting an application, please apply by answering each question on a properly formatted Google document, then sending a viewable link to any member of Communications. Any questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to a member of the Communications Department as well.
Apply to be an Alliance Form
Alliance Handbook/Google Document
Rank Descriptions
Noted Customer - People who obtain this role are Noted and treated with the upmost respect on Sugar Street premises. They have earned this role through hard work, dedication. Majority of the people who obtain this role are former High Ranks or Allied Representatives.
Low Ranks (LRs)
Trainee - You are waiting trainee to be fully employed.
Cashier - Users in this rank have passed their training from Trainee to Cashier or have obtained 50 in-game points.
Chef - Users in this rank have passed their training from Cashier to Chef or have obtained 100 in-game points.
Experienced Chef - Users in this rank have passed their training from Chef to Experienced Chef or have obtained 150 in-game points
Senior Staff - Users in this rank have passed their training from Experienced Chef to Senior Staff or have obtained 250 in-game points.
Senior Staff must have a good level of activity in order to be eligible for a promotion. They need to be [RANK] for 2-3 weeks in order to be eligible for promotion, this is the last training they go through as well.
Management (MR)
Intern - Interns are Senior Staff who have been recommended, promoted or passed applications. Interns go through a one week phase to see how they work, and to avoid any Admin Abuse with the Staff Assistant rank.
Staff Assistant - Their job is to assist staff when necessary. As well they have been granted moderator abilities in our facilities.
Assistant Supervisor - They share almost the same responsibilities as Staff Assistants, Assistant Supervisors can Co-Host at Trainings. As well they have been granted moderator abilities in our facilities. These users are more experienced.
Supervisor - Those in this rank are responsible for supervising the Cafe and ensuring there are no exploiters/trollers, Supervisors can as well Co-Host at a Training. These users are more experienced.
Assistant Manager - Assistant Managers have still been granted moderator abilities, they share almost the same responsibilities as Supervisors. These users are very hardworking and have made it to the last Management position where they will be tested to find out if they are ready for a High Rank position.
High Ranks (HRs)
All High Ranks show basically the same responsibilities if not more. They have been promoted to this rank after they were evaluated and we determined they were best fit for the position. All other information is rather kept confidential.
Manager - All Managers have shown time and time again they are worthy of such a trustworthy position. In this rank, they share some of the same responsibilities if not more and they are allowed to name staff at training sessions as well as Host Training Sessions.
Chief Of Directors- All Chief of Directors have shown time and time again they are worthy of such a trustworthy position. These users are more experienced. They share some of the same responsibilities if not more.
Executives Of Administration - All EOA have shown time and time again they are worthy of such a trustworthy position. These users are very hardworking and have made it to the last High Rank position where they will be tested to find out if they are ready for a Corporate position.
Recipe Guide
Click the link below to follow the official Sugar Street Recipe Guide:
Kreamz Cafe | Recipe Guide
(Handbook currently in development and WILL be updated.)