Please upgrade byfron as over the past I’ve been playing roblox and cought a lot of exploiters. Not to mention they use an ALT account, and yes their alts will be deleted if cought banned so. But upgrade byfron to stop this. Make byfron on mobile to as there are many of mobile executors that are still working and is used for exploiting, which isn’t really good…
Exploiters get banned in banwaves and you can’t really speed up the progress unless you want to make the anti cheat useless. Truth is if roblox would be instantly banning everyone then the anti cheat will be useless in the future as exploiters find a way around the ban. Also i am pretty sure people on mobile also got banned before
Roblox says that they current focus will be speeding up action time and soon alt account detection
It is definitely on their radar
If you want to really get someone banned instantly then probably contact the games moderation team as many roblox games should and have a moderation team that is suppose to handle reports. If theres no moderation team then i guess just report and switch servers
So when is next ban wave?
||adding letters bc roblox needs it||
I got no idea when the next banwave is suppose to be
Im not really into that stuff but i know that hackers don’t get banned all at the same time to make it seem like that specific executers are “undetected”