Suggestions and Ideas for SCP Game

Hey there!
(I hope this is the right category.)
I have an idea for a game I want to create. The game is about containing SCPs while the player plays as an MTF* unit member. When players join the game, they start in a lobby, where they can choose from several different SCP recontainment scenarios. Each SCP scenario would be a place that the player gets teleported to with a few other players. The problem is, I don’t know many great SCPs that would be fit or good for this type of game. I would appreciate and suggestions or ideas about MTF units, game designs, SCPs to add in, etc. If you need more info, just let me know. Thanks!

(Just in case this helps, all/most of the places will be forced first-person.)

Note: Not all scenarios take place inside an SCPF Site. Some can be capture scenarios.
Example: The squad has been tasked with capturing SCP-096.

*MTF: Mobile Task Force. They recontain, capture, and explore all SCPs that escape containment, need research, or need to be captured.

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What you need to take care about is mission planning. Nobody will like missions such as:

  1. Find SCP-096
  2. Put a bag on his head
  3. Mission over

You need to make each mission complex and interesting, also challenging. Multiple ways to complete would be also nice wherever possible. Make sure you’re actually able to handle all the planning and developing. A lot of projects have failed because of the creator being overambitious and taking on too large challenges.