So, I made a suggestions button for my game which links to a channel in my discord server. But I have no idea how to even start creating a cooldown so people don’t spam the suggestions and also no idea how to make the text change so it says when it was submitted.
I’m not asking for scripts if you don’t want to-- and i dont know if this even counts as worthy for a topic, but till I find a solution, please dont flag it :,D
Anyways, I tried a script for the cooldown thing, but I don’t think it makes any sense- bare in mind im new at scripting so obviously I don’t know a lot of stuff
wait (0.5)
SubmitButton.Text = "Submitted!"
SubmitButton.Text = "Submit"
wait (5)
I have no idea how to make a cooldown, where to start, and the submit to submitting won’t work, so if someone could kindly help out by either correcting the script or linking me to a tutorial that could help (I can’t find any) that’d be appreciated :,D also try not to be mean- i’m really new at this stuff-