Suggestions for a car park?

Hiya Developers!

Do you have any suggestions on what to add to my car park, its the spawn area for my players!

Thanks, have a great day!

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Add light pole, bin, a few cars, and also sidewalks.
will this be good enough?

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Thanks for these ideas, ill definitely add them now.

Perhaps you could add a barrier and some parking blocks, to make it more realistic.

Here are some examples: image

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Som trash like bubblegum and papers for detail.

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what to add to my >> car park <<

Put some prop cars to fill up some of the spaces! Others have suggested lights, you could even add planters and trash cans. A good idea would be next time you’re in a real life car park, look out for some of the things in it.

Add a toll booth, or a ‘pay and display’ / parking meter.

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I rarely see this in Roblox games, but try some displacements, like asphalt cracks here and there. Breaks the repeating pattern!

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