Suggestions for grocery store?


I am miserably failing at making a grocery store. Every time I try to make a store, in general, it just comes out as flat and boring. I can’t seem to make things detailed/ don’t know-how. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips, or point me to a thread that talks about detailing? Or if you could suggest some things to add to the store so it has some detail(Btw I mean detail without the food, I was going to put things on the shelf later)

Main point: I need some resources(blogs, videos,etc.) on detailing otherwise I’m going to lose my mind


things that need to be fixed to make it look better (sorry if I sound like I’m Belittling every single detail

  1. no lights, I understand that the skylights work, but what if the store were to be used at night? they also fill in the empty space in the center of the store
  2. TOO GREEN, literally every single wall is a very bright green that hurts your eyes to look at, consider just a variety of different colors, also use
  3. Why is there a weird grid on the front of the store? maybe replace it with windows?
  4. make it less symmetrical, I’ve never been in a store where the frozen foods section is a row of four random freezers in the very center of the back of the store
  5. use reference pictures, they really help

You’d be surprised how helpful Youtube is for almost every situation. I use it for animation like timing a walk cycle, learning about subway trains, buildings, etc. There are plenty of videos in stores from 1930s-2019.

Other option is or and search “grocery store interior”.

Use google images to help you get ideas!

If you’re having trouble adding detail, then I would definitely suggest making things closer together. In general openness will show emptiness making things seem a lot less detailed and lacking. Don’t make everything crammed, but keep thing tighter so users get more for their eyes and less open nothingness.

Next time you’re at the store you can take photos of different areas or make a few mental notes of the different things they have going on. You can also bring some screenshots of your place and compare what they have and you don’t. Booths where samples are given, featured items on display, or even an area where a worker is still restocking are some things you might notice. These are also things that you could see through a google search, but it may also help to put yourself on the setting.

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Ah yes, I forgot to mention the lights and middle of the store in the post as things I was going to do. But thanks for your feedback.

Well in my opinion it is a good job it looks good only that the colors you used are very striking you used only the color green you should use darker and less flashy colors, fill in the empty spaces and try to make the place a little smaller so that look more pleasing to the eye in my opinion you did a good job :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think something modern would look nice.
From what I’ve seen, maybe a red and white building.

Changing the colors to something less bright will help. As for details, look at pictures of stores irl and see what their shelves or walls look like

Your building is great the only improvement i suggest is to make your wall a color which is not bright, try to use your own model for food item.