Suggestions for my game

If this is in the wrong category, please tell me as soon as possible. (I don’t want to get any warnings)

Hello fellow developers! Another very confusing day in my life. When it comes to game-developing, there are questions that I can’t ask a lot of people (except the developing community itself). With that, I want some suggestions for a story-type game.

Yes, I have played piggy and other story games, but I want to keep the interaction different and I want to keep more cutscenes.

I don’t have any problems with those parts, I just have confusions & questions with the game designing itself. I’d probably be replying a lot about my game since I haven’t made that many proper working games, but I’d be looking forward to people trying to help me. I’ll start talking about the questions I have about my game Shadow from 2nd reply.

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I have made 2 logos for my game.

My friends are saying that the 2nd logo is better, but I have the feeling I can improve it. I’m also trying to follow the 60-30-10 color rule for the coloring, but can’t match the colors properly. Any advice?

Since you clearly highlighted the first line i’m gonna say that you did post this in the wrong category and it should be posted in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback or #help-and-feedback:game-design-support


Thank you, I have changed it. Will it be possible for you to give some advice on the logo by any chance?


I’m… not sure what you’re asking for here.
You want suggestions, but I don’t have much to work with for ideas.
Story ideas? Map layout? Level-up systems? Weapon mechanics?
I need to know more about your game and what your goal is, and what you think needs to be improved.

Regarding your logo I prefer the second one. Its color makes it stand out if it were placed onto most images. The first logo would be harder to catch from your peripheral vision in my opinion.


Both logos do look decent but it just looks like you put colored text and a font.


Ah, right. Sorry, I forgot completely about that part.

My game has a kind of purplish theme to it

My game is kind of like a anime-type story game. By anime-type, I mean that the story remains related to how anime(s) do it. There are going to be interactions (of course), like shooting with guns, attacking with swords etc.

However, I’ll be adding those features later. As of right now, I just need suggestions and advice on my questions. I want to work on it on my own, but when it’s not possible I’m looking forward to the advice of the community :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s correct. I used the Nothing You Could Do font and added color gradient to the text and stroke to it. (I’m not much of a designer)


New question. Should I use Fusion for creating my UI, or just keep the UI in StarterGui? My game does have quite the UI instances, and I’m worried about creating it with script. Will it be okay?