Suggestions for my HomeStore

Hey, developers! I’m currently in the making of a HomeStore of my own. I am nowhere near a Developer, yet I love to build. As for now, the HomeStore needs some details (other than mannequins).

I’m also looking for a well-noticed music script/GUI. I have been asking many people if they were interested in payment in exchange for the script/GUI. I’m not the smartest one when it comes to development, so please don’t mind me not knowing what it is. :sweat_smile:

Here’s what I need help with:

  • Mannequin stand
  • Details
  • Scripting (mannequin GUI)
  • Feedback

Keep in mind I’ve already updated some stuff, yet I’m not the biggest fan of it. So please help me with ideas and suggestions!


Picture from the HomeStore:

Music GUI/Script


If you’re interested in helping me, contact me on Discord! dani;#6666

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I also need some more realistic lights. You can see them in the photo, but they’re quite slim at the start. If you have a model I could use I would be very pleased!!

If you need someone to help you create a script it might be better for you to post this in the Collaborations > Recruitment section.

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If you go to the group “Hidden Developers” or the game “Group Recruiting Plaza” you’ll find a scripter. And if you’re just looking for a script then go to Collaborations > Recruitment Section. If you need a logo / GFX then just contact me, I’d be happy to help.

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