Suggestions for my Ice Cream Parlor

hiii! im jack

i own a ice cream parlor called wonders ice cream

we are about to release our v3

but we want to hear from you, the community on how we can improve it!


(machines are original)

restock system: image

stock room:

merch store: image

tropical beach

if you want to play early access and get the feel, you can do so here for 25 robux

thanks for ur opinions!



Wow, when I clicked on this I didn’t expect it to be this nice. The environment surrounding the Ice Cream Parlor is stunning. It’s very detailed, and peaceful. I’d suggest adding booths to the inside of the parlor, it’ll make the place look nicer, considering there’s only one type of chair and one type of table. Everything else to me looks great.



  • Trees are nice but so many copied and pasted seem kind of… off.
  • The white and blue are nice but they intersect weirdly in places like the pic of the interior of the merch store… try to find a way to balance those colors out without making them feel akward
  • LIGHTING… lights on the ceiling (ESPECIALLY ULTRA-MODERN) can make a huge difference and are not only realistic, but make a nicer feel to any game.
  • The build also feels repetitive, try doing something like making variations but keeping the same style and color scheme.
  • I feel like the less flat the terrain is the better, not in terms of the beach, but the grass… try making it more realistic. Making terrain using only parts in studio can be hard, but the more layers the better.

EDIT: Slate material on trees doesn’t match the rest of the build.

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Nice work! The machines, chairs, and tables are quite nice, they fit really well with the build. As far as ways to improve the build, maybe a little bit more work on the interior design for the main seating area. It feels a bit bland, and in my opinion, needs more models. (As shown below)

For a guest, I believe this should be the best part of the build. Since this is where the guest will most likely be spending most of there time in.
Besides that, and some other minor mistakes, great job.

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The environment around the ice cream parlor is beautiful and the ice cream parlor itself is beautiful to.The shaders make everything look peaceful and calm.I would say this is one of the best roblox ice cream places I’ve seen so far.Keep up the great work!

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Really nice build!

However, a few things that could be improved are that the trees and seating are not very varied. They are all repetitive, and adding a little bit of differentiations to it would be nice.

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Same! I was totally caught by surprise!

This is a really nice interior! However, may I know if you intend to add a few potted plants or decorations? I feel that it is a little empty? It may be just me though.

Overall, great job on everything!


That lighting style seems so re-used… try thinking of something more unused like more hanging lights, etc!