Suggestions for this developer feedback UI?


Below is a screenshot of a reporting-system UI that I somewhat modeled off of another one that I found.

Does anyone have any suggestions/feedback/criticism for me to improve this?

Also if anyone can tell me how to fix the corners on the top (the blue is not clipping to the UI Corner element and has some overlay) that would be very helpful!



Looks really clean the only thing I’d say is make the pulldown button smaller.

Great job!

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Very nice and clear too! I love the font you used for it.

Thanks for making it to show us how creative you are too.

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yes its looks pretty cool and clean
keep up the good work :wink:

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I appreciate the feedback.

Does anyone know how I can fix the blue overhang-shading on the top corners?

Are you using a rounding plugin like Roundify or Edge? If so you’ll need to set the background transparency of the frame to 1, it currently looks like it’s set to about 0.7 or 0.8. If you’re using UICorner it may just be a Roblox issue.

I’m using UICorner, see below.

If I make the main Frame (the black) set to 1, then the whole background is clear.
The blue overhang is coming from the Title frame.

Cool, I preper that kinds and style for the design.

You should change the ZIndex property.

Then the top wouldn’t be blue, it would be black and whatever transparency of blue that it mixed with.