1) Write down your plans and ideas
Your head is going to be spinning with awesome ideas and visions of how you want your game to turn out. First things first, before you forget these award-winning ideas, write them down.
Open up some sort of word document and simply bullet point every idea you have for your game. That way there’s no way you’ll miss off one or two ideas in a few days time.
Now that you have your ideas, ask yourself, what needs to be done? This may include programming, UI, graphics, contacting people, etc. For this, do the same again and bullet point each of these key topics. Once you’ve done that, branch out into sub-topics, then even more divisions. For example, it may look something like this:
2) Get Organised
How are you going to structure your game? Where are you going to keep your LocalScripts, Scripts, Items, etc? This all needs to be considered before you start your game. If not, you’ll soon find your game looking messy, ultimately making it harder to find certain items and slowing down development.
When it comes to structuring your game, I would strongly advise looking into a Modular structure. There are many great topics about this on the DevForum which explain this in detail.
Also keep in mind where you are going to store your plans, backup files, images, assets etc. An organised folder system on your desktop definitely helps in the long-run.
3) Research
For most stages of development, you’ll find a feature that could be made in multiple ways. For example, to make a ‘Spinner’, you could write your own maths function to slide all the boxes, or you could use TweenService. Research before you begin each major feature to find the quickest, most effective and efficient way of creating it. In the long-run it will save you time and develop your skills.
4) Have fun
You’re going to run into points in the project which become very challenging. If you can develop a project which you thoroughly enjoy and are passionate about, then the work isn’t going to seem like work.
Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
Oh, and add a couple years onto the expected completion date